1 |
Rural Development Department |
Birth registration certificate |
2 |
Rural Development Department |
Death registration certificate |
3 |
Rural Development Department |
Marriage registration certificate |
4 |
Rural Development Department |
Proof of below poverty line |
5 |
Rural Development Department |
Proof that Gram Panchayat is not yet to come |
6 |
Rural Development Department |
Excerpt of Sample 8 |
7 |
Rural Development Department |
Proof of baseless |
1 |
Women and Child Development Department |
Registration of name of pregnant women in Anganwads |
2 |
Women and Child Development Department |
Registration of children from 06 months to 3 years in Anganwadi |
3 |
Women and Child Development Department |
Registration of children between 03 to 6 years in Anganwadi. |
4 |
Women and Child Development Department |
Registration of Adolescent Girls under Sabla Yojana |
5 |
Women and Child Development Department |
Registration of girls under Kishori Shakti Yojana |
1 |
Department of Water, Supply and Sanitation |
New water connection |
2 |
Department of Water, Supply and Sanitation |
To Change Ownership Rights |
3 |
Department of Water, Supply and Sanitation |
To change size of water connection |
4 |
Department of Water, Supply and Sanitation |
To disconnect temporary/permanent water connection |
5 |
Department of Water, Supply and Sanitation |
Reconnect the connection |
6 |
Department of Water, Supply and Sanitation |
Change in use |
1 |
PublicHealthDepartment |
Janani Suraksha Yojana |
2 |
PublicHealthDepartment |
Janani Shishu Suraksha Yojana |
3 |
PublicHealthDepartment |
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojana, 1) Registration for internal treatment 2) E-preauthorization 3) Registration through telephone for emergency treatment |
1 |
School Education and Sports Department |
Secondary and Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination II Mark Sheets and Certificates |
2 |
School Education and Sports Department |
Secondary and Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination Provisional Certificate |
3 |
School Education and Sports Department |
Secondary and Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination Marks Verification |
4 |
School Education and Sports Department |
Obtaining photocopies of answer sheets after Secondary and Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination results. |
5 |
School Education and Sports Department |
Private candidates appearing for the examination. |
1 |
Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy and Fisheries Department |
First aid on a veterinary patient |